LTJ is now also present on new social network Mastodon on the server musicians.today. The handle is @LongTallJ@musians.today
On the 24th of February 2023 new single 'Ukraine' will be released with accompanying video. More details will be released on the release date. All proceeds of this single will go to institutions favouring Ukraine. The links will be published here, on the LTJ social media and at the end of the video. Lead vocal will be by Maria Arkhipova from Kyiv, Ukraine. She is the lead singer of the Ukrainian rock band Amariia. The song Ukraine will also be featured on the new album.
Work on material for the fourth album is progressing nicely and at the time of writing (Oct. 2022) all ten tracks have been created. The new album will feature more of a band sound and the number of cooperations have been expanded. Three singers will be adding vocals this time: Lead vocals by Maria Arkhipova (Amariia) and singer Péh Ip from Holland and backing vocals by Simone Roerade, also from Holland. Furthermore there will be a horn section on two tracks and violin player Emily V from California will be back. Pianist Eugene Moiseienko is back as well appearing in six compositions (he is becoming a regular). and so is Mega Bassman appearing in at least two tracks. The release date is not known yet.
New album 'The Spire' was released on the 1st of May, 2022. Distributor Emubands has posted it on all streaming services and on ITunes it comes together with a 15 page booklet created by Mel Melcer. On Bandcamp you can order the digital download or the physical CD. When placing your order you will also receive the digital booklet via email. Physical CD's are also available via the webshop on the website.
A review of The Spire on the Progloop can be seen in the reviews section. For a direct link click here please.